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Dining & Canteen
Possibly the most uniting aspect of our daily life! People have always preferred to gather in a restaurant to conduct important business, renew friendships, or even form new ones over a well-done steak!
We haven’t been left behind at Boston International either. We created a top-of-the-line kitchen, completely equipped, and planned what should be the greatest dining facilities of any school in the region. When we open ‘Le Petit Maison,’ it will be the most immersive dining experience ever seen in the area.
Our partner, ‘Fine Foods by James,’ is on hand to oversee the dining facilities, and is ably headed by Ronald Safari, a well-known enthusiastic foodie and food lover in the sector.
Ronald obtained a 4 year Diploma at Kenya’s Utalii College, following which he went on a very fascinating and very fun filled stint in the Ugandan Hospitality Industry. He began his career with the Serena Hotels and afterwards transferred to the Sheraton Kampala Hotel, when GEMS Cambridge hired him to build up the Catering division for the students.
James completed a two-year diploma program at Kenya’s Utalii College before embarking on an exciting and rewarding career in the Ugandan hospitality industry. He began his career at the Speke Hotel and afterwards went to the Kabira Country Club, where GEMS Cambridge hired him to head up the Catering division for the students.
Working and preparing meals for students is the most undervalued profession in the world, and it is also by far the most sensitive. We have to constantly play with their palates to see what they like best, while also ensuring that it is healthy; it is critical that we cultivate healthy eating habits amongst the students not just for today, but because they will be moving to the first world in pursuit of a university education, and we don’t want them to feel out of place when a “filet Mignon” is on the menu!
As a result, we have developed what we call the “5 pillars” against which our meals will be judged:
- Taste: By far the most significant aspect of cuisine. Simply said, our food has to taste good.
- Presentation: any foodie will tell you that diners eat with their eyes first. This indicates that people value what they see before they consume it.
- Variety: also known as “coloring one’s plate,” this guarantees that there is a little bit of everything on the dish, not only to avoid a boring hue but also to tickle the taste buds of the visitor.
- Simply put, we need to make sure that the pupils consume what is healthiest for their young and growing bodies.
- Lunch will not be lunch if it is served at 3 p.m.!